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09 - Geography - Natural Hazards: Boolean searching

Boolean search strategies 

    ………. and  ………..

Use this operator to get Google to scan webpages and give you a list of those containing both words.


(NB a space between words means the same as and)

“natural hazards” or “natural disasters” and “government policy” australia

drought australia government response

drought africa "united nations" response

 drought australia “government policy”

 landslide australia cause

landslide guatemala

(cyclone or storm) australia government plan*

 drought africa response

“natural disaster” response authority

mudslide guatemala impact 

prevent drought

(  ……….. or …………) Use this operator to get Google scan webpages and give you a list of those containing one word or the other. 

“natural hazards” or “natural disasters”

(“third world” or developing or underdeveloped or “less developed”)

(developed or “more developed”)

(bushfire or flood or tsunami) response government

disaster (avoidance or mitigation)

(landslide or mudslide) prevent

earthquake (proactive or prevent) 

california (bushfires or "forest fires")

mudslide guatemala (impact  or effect)

(assess or estimate) damage flood*

……….* Use this operator to get Google to scan webpages and give you a list of those containing the word stem with any ending. 

develop* countries

 underdevelop* “natural hazards”

 plan* “natural disasters” government  (will search for plan, plans, planning)

 disaster and prepar* (will search for prepare and preparedness)

 manage* risk bushfire

tsunami early warn*

 "assistance package" flood*

“………..   …………”  Use this operator to get Google to scan webpages and give you a list of those containing the specific phrase. 

“natural hazards”

 “third world”

“more developed”

"thredbo landslide"

"cyclone katrina"

"government policy" bushfire