Only accessible when on campus. Australia's authority on the world of business, finance, and investment news, available in digital replica format. It has a reputation for independent, award-winning journalism and is essential reading for Australia's business and investor community. College as has access to current issues and three years of archives.
The industry's most widely used business research database, Business Source Premier features full text and searchable cited references for top journals covering a variety of business disciplines.
Online seminars (Google Hangout and video Library), common exam questions, book extracts on the Russian Revolution and Soviet history. Please access the database using the information in the linked document.
Current Issues in Criminal Justice provides detailed discussion and analyses of crime and justice issues through publishing the work of a range of outstanding contributors. The Journal’s scope is national and international. Current Issues in Criminal Justice also features 'Contemporary Comments' – discussions at the cutting edge of the crime and justice debate, as well as reviews of recently released books.
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Health and Wellness Resource Center
A comprehensive resource which provides easy-to-find answers to health questions. Access magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, reference books and definitions on a wide range of health topics and issues.