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12 - Artists Case Study: O - Z

Created by Alison Rout

You'll quickly get used to writing in an academic style - try it!

Fiorelli discovered that the voids were in fact the spaces left by the decomposed bodies of Pompeians killed by the volcano (Lobell, 2001).

 Tiede (Jaggard, 2014) argued that some of Pompeii's temples face specific constellations. Nevertheless, it is too early to attribute any significance to these astronomical ties (Ellis, cited in Jaggard, 2014).

 New evidence by Gurioli, Cioni, Sbrana and Zanella helps “in defining more precisely the chronology and main features of the events that destroyed Herculaneum during the AD 79 eruption” (2002).

Try to use sentences which show that you are weighing (evaluating) pieces of evidence against each other and against your own opinions

Reid's  (1987, p. 3) hypothesis is that the evidence from Herculaneum is more useful because …


The truth of Kelly's (2003, p. 9) contention that Pliny the Younger ‘s account is accurate is questionable, in light of Fishers (1999, p. 59) assertion that ....


Some question the view of Pyne  (2005, p. 10) that pyroclastic flows …


After weighing up the views of Rout  (2011, p. 456) and Christian  (2009, p. 33) it can only be concluded that ...


Priester believes that tourism is inconsistent with conservation of Pompeii (2005, p. 44) and that …


Scali’s belief that Pompeiian lives were lost because they did not evacuate immediately (2003, p. 55) is consistent with the account of Pliny the Younger (AD 79, who was in Pompeii on the day of the eruption.


McNaughton  and Jaegger  (2005, p. 6) defended the criticism of their viewpoint, citing primary sources such as Tacitus (date unknown).


The view that the lower classes in Pompeii had poor diets was refuted by Harris (2000, p. 99), when he stated  that all classes ate much the same food.


Primary sources have been lost over time, so we are forced to rely on the perspectives of Pyne (2002, p. 4), who has used poetry written one hundred years after the event.


There are three main interpretations of exactly what happened on the days following the eruption (Bennett, 2004, p. 5; Priest, 2010, p. 55; Muir 2004, p. 44) but it seems most likely that…