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07 - Welcome to Cyberia: Clickview Videos


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The Project: Cyberbullying

The grieving family of a young girl driven to suicide by a pair of cyber bullies speak out about this growing trend.

Dateline: Korea's Internet Addicts

Some teens in South Korea are so addicted to gaming, they can no longer distinguish what's real and what's not. Dateline follows them as they go through intense month-long digital rehab.

Inside Story: Perfect Stranger

A teenage girl's Facebook dream becomes a nightmare after she falls in love with a serial online predator who sets about destroying her confidence, her reputation and her life.

The Project: Let's Talk About Sext

Sexting has become a normal part of growing up, with half of 16-18 year olds using their phones to send explicit images of themselves. Clearly, nothing is going to stop teenagers sending nudes to one another - not even Federal Laws which carry 15-year jail sentences and the possibility of winding up on the Sex Offenders Register.

The Project: Online Blackmail

Would you pay thousands of dollars to protect your reputation? That's the dilemma one man faced after a moment of romance lead to a serious case of blackmail. And the police? They were powerless to help.

The Feed: Is Your Mobile Phone Rewiring Your Brain?

The anxiety you feel when not having your phone on you is a sign that your usage is rewiring your brain.