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10 - History - Historical personalities: 4. Search encyclopedias

How to search for information


Newington has online subscriptions which you should use.

Take notes from encyclopedias

Here is an example of some notes taken from World Book Online

  • “…became president on Nov. 22, 1963, following the fatal shooting of President John F. Kennedy” (para. 1)
  • Johnson encouraged cooperation between Democrats and Republicans (para. 4)
  • clever planning and persuasion…came to be known as the "LBJ treatment."  (para.4)
  • but some people mistrusted him (para. 4)
  • he was interested in providing social programs for the American people and he used the words Great Society as the slogan of the Johnson domestic program (para. 5)
  • LBJ became very unpopular because he became a symbol of increasing involvement in the Vietnam War (para. 6)

Referencing information:

Johnson, Lyndon Baines, World Book Online, Newington College database, viewed 19 June 2016.


Save your notes and referencing information into the folder on your computer.

Evaluate the accuracy of the information in an encyclopedia 


Think about the ACCURACY of the information in the encyclopedia .

This Canvas Research Skills page will help you to understand accuracy so you can evaluate information you found in an encyclopedia in your blog.