Source: Kind, Beyond Blue (2017)
A small amount of stress can be useful to stay motivated. However, there are times at school - especially exam time - where stress levels can increase, resulting in a dramatic decline in performance.
Proven strategies for beating stress include:
Meditation is the practice concentrated focus on a single point of reference, either a sound, object, visualization, or movement in order to increase awareness of the present moment. The process promotes relaxation to reduces stress. There are many useful tools - apps, videos, sound files - to guide you through a meditation session:
Music can have a profound emotional effect. Something with a slow tempo has the ability to release stress by quieting your mind and relaxing your muscles. Listening to music with around 60 beats per minute can cause your brain to enter a relaxed state. Music found to be relaxing includes Native American, Celtic, and Indian stringed-instruments, drums and flutes. Sounds of rain, thunder, and other nature sounds are also relaxing when mixed with light jazz and easy listening music. Because music is not often labeled with its beats per minute, the best relaxing music to listen to can be found by trial and error. Here are some good places to start:
So much time is spent thinking over things that happened in the past or worrying about things that may happen in the future. Mindfulness is a meditative technique which enables appreciation and enjoyment of the present moment. Mindful people:
Some mindfulness activities can be found here:
The creative process of making art has been found to decrease stress levels. Try some of these: