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Year 12: IB Theatre - Research Presentation

British Pantomime

A panto performance of Dick Whittington.


The Other Richard (n.d.) Dickie Beau in “Dick Whittington” at the National Theater. [Photograph]. The New York Times.

Video: Performance Demonstration

Summary: Mike West from the "Pirates", a not-for-profit English-language musical theatre group established more than 30 years ago in Luxembourg, explains all there is to know about "english pantomime", a quite special and very british theatre genre.


Luxemburger Wort. (2012, January 16). What is "English pantomime"?. [Video]. Youtube.

Summary: Let's talk brassieres, bloomers and blusher with our fabulous pantomime Dames to celebrate this very bonkers British tradition.


National Theatre. (2020, December 17). National Theatre: How To Be A Pantomime Dame! - Great British Panto Party. [Video]. Youtube.